Jasper Hatwiinda


Jasper Hatwiinda is a monitoring and results measurement practitioner who believes in proving and improving results, to account and learn. He specialises in setting up and implementing monitoring and results measurement systems in conformity with the Donor Committee for Enterprise Development (DCED), Standard for Results Measurement, and the FSD Africa Impact Oriented Measurement (IOM) guidance.

With over 15 years in both NGOs and Quasi government, Jasper has held similar positions at CARE International in Zambia, Education Development Centre in Zambia, IFAD’s Rural Finance Programme in Zambia, Financial Sector Deepening Zambia, Macroeconomic and Financial Management Institute of Eastern and Southern Africa in Zimbabwe and Strengthening Host and Refugee Populations in Ethiopia.

He holds a master’s degree in Monitoring and Evaluation from Open University of Tanzania, a Post Graduate Diploma in SACCOs Management from Moshi Cooperative University, and a first degree in Mass Communication. Jasper has M4P training from Springfield and MRM training from Hans Posthumus Consultancy.

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