Research Study: Digital Transformation of Livelihoods

Research Study: Digital Transformation of Livelihoods

E-commerce is new in Rwanda and the country as a whole is still in the early stages of e-commerce adoption as demonstrated by the current low uptake and demand by consumers, presenting a challenge to e-commerce growth.

In particular, the COVID-19 pandemic has amplified the value proposition of digital adoption and digital commerce as it has enabled continuity in the provision of essential services and goods and facilitated contactless, cashless transactions. Consumers have indicated the likelihood to continue transacting on e-commerce platforms even after the pandemic is over given the efficiency gained in terms of time saved and access to a wider range of goods and services available on e-commerce platforms

This research study aims to answer questions on platform market systems and inform AFR’s prioritization of intervention areas that leverage digital commerce platforms to improve youth’s and women’s livelihoods in Rwanda. In particular, the research informs the “Accelerating growth through expanding the e-commerce sector in Rwanda,” a program aiming to digitally onboard MSMEs to e-commerce platforms as a COVID-19 pandemic response and a longer-term national growth strategy.

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